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Answers to all your questions about Charitylog...

What is a charity CRM and do I need one?

The Charitylog CRM (customer relationship management) system is essentially a database holding the information about your clients, your interactions with them and details of anyone else involved in the operation of the organisation.

However large or small your charity, you will need to have knowledge of who you are working with and what you have done, if only to make it simpler to communicate with clients and provide information to funders.

Read more:

Choosing the right CRM for your charity

Blog post: CRMs for smaller charities - what's the point?

Can I download a free version of the software?

You can have a free, no-obligation 30 day trial of Charitylog Starter, our basic CRM. Just give us a call, we will arrange it and one of our support team will help get you started.

It’s important for us to have a quick chat with you, not so we can try to sell you something expensive – we’ll never pressure you – but to understand what you’re looking for and whether Charitylog can help. We can talk through the different versions and if it turns out that Charitylog isn’t the right fit for your organisation, we will tell you that as well.

How does the free trial of Charitylog Starter work?

If you sign up for Charitylog Starter, you can use it for 30 days for free, and with no obligation to carry on using it after that time.


We’ll provide an online session to get you started and 60 days of free phone support.


If you don't want to continue after the 30 days, just let us know. We will not charge you and will delete the database. You won't be pressured to buy (but we think you'll probably love it and want to carry on!).

What is a 'Project' in the system? Do I need more than one?

In Charitylog, a ‘Project’ means either a service being provided, or a funding stream.

For example, if a client calls asking for information about benefits, that might mean a referral to the ‘Benefits’ project. If they are also asking about befriending, that might mean a referral to the 'Befriending' project. If there is separate, specific funding for the Befriending project you would need to be able to report on activity just for that project. So in this scenario you would have two ‘projects’ which you could report on independently.

Another example might be contact with a volunteer during their recruitment process. This might be linked to a ‘Volunteer Recruitment’ project. So ‘projects’ can mean various different types of interactions, not just client referrals.

Charitylog Plus and Ultimate allow as many projects as you like, so you can create a more representative view of your organisation and break down information as you need to.

How do I know which Charitylog plan is the right one for my organisation?

The best way is to have a chat with us. We won’t pressure you to buy something you don't need.

We will talk with you to get a sense of what you do, what services you provide, the way you do things and what reporting you need to do, to help you decide.

Apart from Charitylog Starter, where there is a free 30 day trial, we are very happy to provide a no-obligation demonstration for you.

Get in touch with us now for a chat or to arrange a free demo. 

What training is provided for Charitylog Starter?

Charitylog Starter is designed for very small charities that mainly just need to keep track of people and record interactions with them.

Because it’s intended to be very simple (and therefore affordable for small charities), we just provide a walk-through to get you going. You also have 60 days free phone support.

If you then feel you need additional training we are happy to provide it at the usual training cost.

Is training included for staff?

We provide an agreed number of training days for all versions of Charitylog apart from the Starter (see 'What training is provided for Charitylog Starter?').

At the start, while we’re getting you set up, we’ll talk with you about how your organisation works, what workflows and processes you use, what data needs you have, what reports your funders are asking for, and so on. This is so we know how you'll need to use your Charitylog system and what kind of training you will need.

Can Charitylog be used by volunteers?

Yes - in fact, we actively encourage its use by volunteers. 

Charitylog is designed so that volunteers can see and use just the section of the system that is relevant to them.

You won’t need to buy a licence for each user even though they should have their own log in credentials.

Does Charitylog allow me to receive referrals directly through my website?

Yes it does.

What's a 'Review Session'?

When you buy a Charitylog system (apart from the Starter version), we will provide a Review session as part of the price.

This is a half- or full-day session that takes place about 3-to-6 months after you have gone live with the system.

We check to make sure the system is working well for you, and whether there are ways you could be benefiting more from it. We'll provide guidance on features you might not be aware of, if relevant, and run through reporting procedures (because you will have enough data to run reports by then).

This is one of the most popular things we do - it's a great opportunity to make sure you get the most from your system and iron out any issues.

The review session is not about pressuring you to buy add-ons or a more expensive system, it’s just to  make sure you are using your current system in the best possible way for your organisation’s needs.

How secure is Charitylog?

We have ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus accreditations and also have the ISO 9001 quality accreditation.

All the data is stored in the UK in highly reputable data centres. We will not move the data out of the UK.

As well as charities, we work with a number of local authorities providing services such as SEND (special educational needs and disability) services. They require us to meet and demonstrate a very high degree of security which should act as reassurance to smaller charities with fewer IT and legal resources.

Why are prices for Charitylog Plus and Ultimate 'dependant on income'?

Many CRM providers require every individual user to have a licence. This can be costly, especially if you have a large number of occasional users, such as volunteers.

We felt that it would be fairer to price the system on a sliding scale according to income (or the income of the projects that are covered by Charitylog), with a generous allowance of 'concurrent users' (i.e. people who are using the system at the same time – see ‘What is a concurrent user?’).

This means that organisations of different sizes can afford the best version of the system for their needs, without the restrictions caused by limited user licensing.

What is a 'concurrent user'?

When people are logged in and using the system at the same time, they are concurrent users.

You can have as many registered Charitylog users as you like, but for practical reasons you can’t have an unlimited number of people logged in and using the system at the same time.

Different plans allow different numbers of concurrent users. So, if you’re on a plan that allows 5 concurrent users, then a 6th user will not be able to log in until someone else logs out.

Generally speaking, this doesn’t tend to cause problems. If it does, please get in touch. In some cases user numbers can be averaged out over a working day, or there may be other suggestions we can make to ensure trouble-free use within your existing plan.

Does Charitylog come pre-built?

Yes, Charitylog can be used straight 'out of the box'.

But we’ve found that most charities like to customise it slightly to suit the way they work.

You might decide to change some wording to reflect the terminology that’s familiar to your staff (an example might be changing ‘client’ to ‘service user’ or ‘customer’), remove fields you don’t need, or add additional ones.

You may want to make some changes to the system so it reflects the order you do things in your organisation, to ensure the proper information is collected at the right time, and right processes followed. You may also have specific types of assessment you want to include.

Apart from in our basic Starter package, we include a specified amount of help and training to help you tailor the standard system into one that fits the way you work and what you do.

Do you have to be a charity to use Charitylog?

No - Charitylog can be used in many settings and types of organisations. We even use it as our own company CRM!

If you’re a CIC, local authority or even a commercial organisation, please contact us and we can discuss how the system could help.

What other apps and tools does Charitylog integrate with?

Charitylog integrates with various other apps and tools:

1) Your website: streamline inbound referrals, recruitment etc., using our embedded web forms

2) Loqate (a system for capturing and verifying address data): enabling address lookups using postcodes

3) TextAnywhere (SMS provider): for sending SMS messages

4) Microsoft: for email and calendars

5) Google maps: for displaying the geographical distribution of your volunteers, service users etc, and time/distance calculations.