*** The brand new October release is on your test system now! Watch our webinar for an overview of the changes ***

Implementation and training

Implementation and training

Our approach to implementation varies between the different Charitylog versions (Charitylog Plus, Ultimate and Charitylog One, and Starter).

As part of the initial cost of purchasing Charitylog, we always provide an agreed number of implementation days with one of our specialist Implementation Consultants.

Charitylog Starter is different, see the details in the link below:

We recognise that to get the best out of any system, you need help and advice from knowledgeable people who understand the requirements of the third sector. It is as important to us as it is to you that Charitylog works well and experience has told us that this approach produces the best outcomes.

The Consultant will be assigned to you at the start of the process and will work with you through to going live and beyond. Although Charitylog is a standard system and works 'out of the box', there are always differences and varying requirements to be considered. This could be the need for specific data fields for a particular type of service, outcome and assessment scoring, volunteer management processes etc.

Perhaps the most important day is the first day. This is where we discuss your organisation, what projects and services it provides, what the data and reporting requirements of these projects are, what workflows and processes there may be, GDPR, security and user access issues and so on.

This enables us to guide you through what needs to be added to the system to make life easier for the users, particularly those with more limited IT skills where we can minimise the number of screens and fields they need to see.

System Review

Once the implementation is complete and you have been running Charitylog for a few months, we provide a System Review. The review is usually carried out by the same Implementation Consultant and its purpose is to assess how the system is working and possibly suggest improvements or efficiency gains, and also to look at reporting now that there is data in the system.

Additional Training

Additional training is available with our experienced consultants. Sessions are tailored to your requirements so you choose what you would like to cover.

Online sessions

  • Full day - £475+VAT per day

  • Half day - £275+VAT per day

In person

  • Full day - £595+VAT per day (if flights are required, there may be a charge for air fares)

We also offer full and half day remote system reviews which help bring you up to date and adapt to change, etc. (prices as above)

We regularly run short online courses on a variety of topics - see more - Online training sessions

Other Features

Training courses

We run short online courses on a series of topics, for both the new user and the more advanced.