Rostering & home care schedules
Plan regular or ad hoc visits and manage services.
When there is a group of organisations that are working together on a project and have their own separate Charitylog databases, our Analytics reporting can be used to report across these databases and add up the results.
This can be useful where there is an overall lead provider of a project which is being fulfilled by a number of organisations all using Charitylog. Similarly, it can be useful if an umbrella organisation needs reporting across a number of separate database.
To support this, we have a 'library' function where a group of organisations can store, for example, specific outcome measures, and they can be shared by other members of the collaboration. This ensures uniformity in recording data and therefore in reporting.
Plan regular or ad hoc visits and manage services.
Use Call-Round to replace paper timesheets for increased efficiency and security.
Invoice work done and services provided to clients and other funders.
Plan visits, record materials and send invoices.
Split your organisation by locality or function and control who sees which branch.
Run regular imports of data from other systems.
Capture enquiries through your website directly into Charitylog.
When collaborating with other organisations you can send or receive referrals in electronic form.
Use the API to connect to PowerBI and other system integrations.
Reporting for national umbrella organisations.